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Jaeger-LeCoultre Replica has announced the new Triple Split for SIHH 2018. This watch brings a level of performance unprecedented to the split-seconds complication. It is the first time in the world where multi-hour comparison measurements are possible.

Aficionados know that the Double Split is the current flagship of the brand.Jaeger-LeCoultre Replica It is a chronograph watch more desirable and rare than the Datograph. The Double Split's signature feature is its split-seconds chronograph. This makes it more useful than most split-seconds chronographs.

Rattrapante or split seconds chronographs are characterized by their ability to measure multiple intervals within a single time measurement. This is achieved with two seconds hands mounted on top of each other and moving together when the chronograph engages. To measure and record intervals, a separate button is used to stop one of the hands. The time measurement will be recorded. This is then followed by pushing the same button again until both hands are together to complete the overall measurement.

The fact that there must be a minimum interval of one minute between the two measurements to be taken is not obvious to most people who are familiar with watches. When you think about it, the reason is clear.Patek Philippe replica watches There are only two hands for each of the hour and minute counters, but there are superimposed seconds.